Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Founder Wordpress

Matthew Charles Mullenweg is also known as Matt Mullenweg was born in Housten, Texas, United States on January 11, 1984 is also the forunder and developer of Wordpress. Meanwhile, Matt underwent his high school education in the field of Visual and Performing arts. Strange indeed, although he was not in the field of Education Pragraming Computers and the Internet but he can successfully establish and develop Open Source CMS that is packed into Wordpress.

By the time Matt was 18 years (in 2002) he began to use the facilities b2cafelog (bbpress.org) to publish fhotos while a trip to Washington DC. But after a few months later bbPress place to publis fhotos of Matt stopped from developing its website. From then came the creative thinking  of Matt Until January 2003 he announced via his b2 blog  will develop in accordance with web standars at the time.

Together with his friend Mike Little, Matt began to develop a Wordpress which is a derived from b2. Its growth continues and a former developer b2 also participate in it (Michel Valdrighi). Until May 27, 2003 Wordpress 0.70 released its first version which still contains the same file structure as b2cafelog.

Behind its success is bad luck that befell him. In 2004, in his formal education at the Drop Out and moved from Housten to San Francisco (California) to work at CNET for a year.

Although he was a student Drop Out (DO) but he is wealthy young businessman and successfull. PC Magazine Word so that he named as "16 out of 50 people most important in the Internet World". Matt also visited Indonesia in January 2009 in the event WorldCamp Indonesia 2009 as its main guest.

Besides, Matt during his visit to Indonesia in the event "Apa Kabar Indonesia" on TV One with the topic "Online Business, Scooping Profit Through the Internet". Along with guests from Indonesia also starts Mr. Nukman Luthfie who are interviewed by Miss Thalia.

ScreenShot ;

Matt Mullenweg

Nukman Luthfie and Matt Mullenweg

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